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"Keep thy motives in heart, with closed mouth. We are those who will weave history with the ringing of the great belfry." ~Words Inscribed on Shandoran ruins

Nov 7, 2021, 9 tweets

#ONEPIECE CHAPTER 1031 INVERSION THREAD: Big Mom and Moria strengthen their connection!

At the end of TB, Moria essentially kills his subordinates by using Shadows Asgard. Big Mom takes souls from around her and gives life to inanimate objects before powering up.


The reason Moria grew so large and became so powerful was because he was using other peoples' power, specifically Luffy's.

Big Mom could only gain more power by eating her own soul - she was too strong for other peoples' souls to give her strength in this moment.


Clearly, Coby gave Drake lessons on how to get flattened in the heat of battle.

Coby's legitimately trying to stop Luffy because he's on the opposite side of the war. Drake is just caught off guard.


Sanji time!

While Usopp relied on his Sogeking mask to help turn the tide of battle, Sanji relinquished it entirely.

Ironically, Usopp used the mask to help defeat a girl - Perona. Sanji destroys his germa suit because he thinks he beat one up.


Each of them also face a moment where they try to remember the immediate past.

Usopp tries to think back to when Perona got confident - Sanji tries to fill in a memory gap before the woman was hurt.

Sogeking gives Usopp confidence, Soba Mask undermine's Sanji's.


Which leads us to Sanji's destruction of the raid suit - what's the inversion of a power up? Throwing it away!

Sanji uses his right foot for Diable Jambe against Jabura and uses his left foot to stomp out the germa suit.


One of the coolest panel inversions harkens back to Enies Lobby again!

Oda literally just flipped the panelling for both Zoro and Sanji and tone of discussion as well.


Of course, Sanji's discussion with Zoro should remind people of the last time he stared down a massive cyborg weapon.

Rather than throwing his own life away *instead* of Zoro vs. Kuma, he asks Zoro to kill him in case he's not mentally right after defeating Queen.


Also, Sanji's statement at the end of the chapter is an inversion of what he says right before he first used Diable Jambe:

"Watch what you say! When I get angry, I tend to heat up!!"
"I'm already burning up -- I don't need you throwing more fuel on the fire!!"


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