Rachel-Desu Profile picture
"Keep thy motives in heart, with closed mouth. We are those who will weave history with the ringing of the great belfry." ~Words Inscribed on Shandoran ruins
Sep 17, 2022 28 tweets 25 min read

We'll randomly bounce around over the last four chapters today! Starting with Koby's predicament - look at the inverted perspective between his scene and Momonga's from early Amazon Lily - same power dynamic at play!

#OnePiece1059 Rayleigh's surprise arrival also hearkens back to him arriving on Amazon Lily after Marineford - similar page layouts and reactions as well. As a result, this again paints Luffy and Blackbeard as inversions in terms of where they interact with Rayleigh in the narrative.
May 18, 2022 19 tweets 18 min read

Let's go! Long thread ahead, but first and foremost, Marineford's impact thematically on Wano cannot be overstated:
Kaido's challenge to Luffy verbalized what Whitebeard wanted to see: What kind of world will Luffy create?

#OnePiece1049 ImageImage We have been wondering about Kaido's finisher for AGES! What could it possibly be??

Luffy's punch in #OnePiece1049 ends up inverting his showdown with Garp at Marineford!

Luffy was the one person Garp couldn't strike down.
Luffy was the only person who could strike down Kaido. ImageImage
Nov 7, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
#ONEPIECE CHAPTER 1031 INVERSION THREAD: Big Mom and Moria strengthen their connection!

At the end of TB, Moria essentially kills his subordinates by using Shadows Asgard. Big Mom takes souls from around her and gives life to inanimate objects before powering up.

#onepiece1031 The reason Moria grew so large and became so powerful was because he was using other peoples' power, specifically Luffy's.

Big Mom could only gain more power by eating her own soul - she was too strong for other peoples' souls to give her strength in this moment.

Jul 8, 2021 197 tweets 121 min read
CHECKERED FATE THEORY THREAD: If you're coming here from @TotallyNotMark's video, welcome aboard the insanity of spotting inversions throughout #OnePiece canon!

Here we'll shine a spotlight on the inversions not covered in the vid - think of this as a visual aid to the word doc! I feel like the easiest way to start this entire thing off is to talk about island structure. That was what really kickstarted this entire concept.

The video already touched on Onigashima and Marineford's similar structure, but we'll place both right here as a starting point. ImageImage