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Nov 7, 2021, 17 tweets

Not again. Another antisemite at the @BBC.

Nasima Begum is an arts council-supported charity advocate and trustee who has also worked occasionally as a presenter for @BBCRadioManc.

She is also a rabid and vocal antisemite, with a LONG history of hate-filled social media posts.

Back in May, acting on a lead by @GnasherJew, @HonestReporting's @emanumiller shared how then-BBC journalist Tala Halawa had a history of antisemitic tweets.

Halawa was fired shortly thereafter.

Today, @GnasherJew has again revealed a number of deeply disturbing social media posts by another BBC employee, @nasimabee, dating back years.

This sparked further investigation by HonestReporting. These are our findings:

In May 2021, @nasimabee invoked a modern version of a classic antisemitic trope, and tweeted that Zionists' have a "hold on mainstream media."

That month, she described in an Instagram post attending a protest against the @BBC, accusing it of favouring Israel and laughably alleging that "mainstream news outlets were saying nothing" against Israel.

In a June 2021 Twitter rant, @nasimabee characterised Israel as "killing innocent people and terrorising them daily," which are bad enough, but also included the blatant lie that Israel was "bombing masjid alaqsa."

In fact, police forces responded to Palestinian rioters who hurled bricks and Molotov cocktails, used fireworks as weapons, at one stage setting the Temple Mount alight when a tree caught fire.

Stun grenades is not "bombing" in any sense of the word. honestreporting.com/media-miss-rea…

Of course, these claims are totally devoid of the context of the decades-long Palestinian campaign of terror Israel faces, as well as the attempts Israel makes to avoid civilian casualties despite Hamas and others hiding behind civilians, using them as human shields.

Such claims are the realm of one-sided advocacy at best, and hate-filled delegitimisation at worst. Either way, they are not becoming of someone presenting a radio show for a national broadcaster, @BBC.

There's more. Much more.

In 2017, writing on Facebook, @nasimabee attempted to justify the killing of Israelis:

"Innocent Israeli deaths? How can you be innocent and Israeli when you've settled on someone else's land and kicked them out. Nah."

In 2010 and 2011, @nasimabee declared support for the Intifada.

The Second Intifada saw countless attacks against Israeli civilians by Palestinian terrorists, with hundreds of civilians murdered in shootings, stabbings and bombings on Israeli buses, cafes, and streets.

In 2012, @nasimabee cheered on a threat by Anonymous to seize "any and all websites deemed to be in Israeli cyberspace" in response to Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.

(Threat made in video: )

The threat against "any and all" Israeli websites is pertinent given recent reports that Iranian-linked hackers leaked details of members of Israel's LGBT community.

Anonymous' vile, indiscriminate threat was made not against the IDF but against *all Israeli websites."

In 2012, Begum even expressed gratitude that Akram Rikhawi, a Palestinian convicted of assisting a terror attack, succeeded in a hunger strike and had his prison release brought forward six months.

As the Associated Press and New York Times reported at the time, Rikhawi was convicted of transporting suicide bombers. He was serving a nine-year sentence.

Just to be clear, he was an accomplice in either murder or attempted murder.

It's clear that @nasimabee's animus is not against any Israeli policy, but against Israel itself.

As she said herself, "Israel is just the most vile ever thing to exist."

Over the years, @nasimabee has repeatedly posted about Jews and Israel in disparaging and antisemitic terms.

For example, in 2011, she said that "the Jewish population [have] implemented the same [genocide] on Palestine for years."

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