Jason Rabinowitz Profile picture
Airlines, airplanes, transit, travel. #AvGeek. Co-host @flightradar24's AvTalk podcast. email: jason@airlineflyer.net. 🧵 https://t.co/sN5TXPYT7t

Nov 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Looks like this morning's synchronized @British_Airways @VirginAtlantic takeoff from @HeathrowAirport went as expected. Really great stuff!

This air-to-air-to-air shot comes from @SkyNews.

Here's a great post from @NATS on the technical side of how this synchronized departure worked since it isn't something that's typically possible at Heathrow.


The BA and VS A350s took different routes across the Atlantic, but are due in to @JFKairport within a few minutes of each other.

We'll see if @FAANews can work some magic for a simultaneous arrival in a few hours. flightradar24.com/multiview/29c9…

At this point it looks like @VirginAtlantic will arrive at @JFKairport just ahead of @British_Airways.

This isn't a race, and everybody is a winner. But a simultaneous arrival would have been awesome.

Ok so maybe it IS a race and there IS a winner? Some spicy behind the scenes info from the US side of the Atlantic.

And @VirginAtlantic has w̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶c̶e̶ arrived into @JFKairport first!

@British_Airways is still about 10+ minutes out.

Speedbird 1 has arrived at @JFKairport!

With that arrival, I honestly don't know when we'll ever see a real resumption of the Speedbird 1 flight number. What flight or aircraft will ever be special enough to use it again?

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