Lauren Facall Profile picture
You can hold yourself back from the sufferings of the world, that is something accords with your nature, but perhaps this very holding is causing you suffering.

Nov 10, 2021, 7 tweets

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, (b. Volodymyr Palahniuk), 87, US actor (b. 1919)

One of six children of Ukrainian immigrants, he worked in coal mines in his youth, before becoming a professional boxer in the late 1930s. After serving in WW2, he eventually pursued a career in acting.

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, 87, US actor (b. 1919)

His big break was as Marlon Brando's understudy in A Streetcar Named Desire, eventually replacing Brando on stage as Stanley Kowalski. He made his film debut in
Elia Kazan's Panic in the Streets (1950) who had directed Streetcar.

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, 87, US actor (b. 1919)

Panic in the Streets (1950) * Halls of Montezuma * Sudden Fear (OscarNom) * Shane (OscarNom) * Second Chance * Man in the Attic * The Sign of Pagan * The Big Knife * Attack * The Man Inside * Ten Seconds to Hell * The Barbarians

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, 87, US actor (b. 1919)

Barabbas * The Professionals * Torture Garden * Che! * Legion of Damned * Oklahoma Crude * Hawk the Slayer * Bagdad Café * Young Guns * Batman (1989) Tango & Cash * City Slickers (Oscar) * City Slickers II * Treasure Island (1999)

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance (b. 1919)

"For your information Miss Hudson, this is what Casanova looked like: he had big ears, a scar over one eye, a broken nose, a wart on his chin, right here. I suggest when you return to San Francisco you visit this gallery and see this painting!"

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, 87, US actor (b. 1919)

"After brawling in a card game in the wharf area of #NewOrleans, a man named Kochak, an immigrant, who's weak and seemingly ill, is killed by 'top dog' gangland boss Blackie (Palance). His two flunkies dump his body in the docks."

#OTD 2006 – Jack Palance, 87, US actor (b. 1919)

"When the dead man is brought to the morgue, the coroner is suspicious about bacteria in his blood. Public Health inspector (Widmark), determines the man had plague, and pleads everyone be #vaccinated to stop the virus spreading."

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