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Nov 10, 2021, 8 tweets

While reported #measles cases have fallen compared to previous years, progress toward measles elimination continues to decline and the risk of outbreaks is mounting, according to a πŸ†• report from @CDCgov & WHO.


During 2020, more than 2⃣2⃣ million infants missed their first dose of #measles vaccine - 3⃣ million more than in 2019– creating dangerous conditions for outbreaks of this highly infectious disease to occur.


Compared with 2019, reported #measles cases decreased by more than 8⃣0⃣% in 2020.

However, measles surveillance also deteriorated, with the lowest number of specimens sent for laboratory testing in over a decade.


Measles is 1 of the πŸŒβ€™s most contagious human viruses but is almost entirely preventable through vaccination. In the last 20 years, the #measles vaccine is estimated to have averted more than 30 million deaths globally.


Ensuring πŸ§’πŸ» receive both doses of #measles vaccine is a πŸ”‘ indicator of 🌐 progress toward measles elimination.
1st-dose coverage β†˜οΈ in 2020, & only 7⃣0⃣% of children received their 2nd dose, well below the 9⃣5⃣% coverage needed to protect communities.


Adding to the worsening of immunity gaps 🌎🌍🌏, 2⃣4⃣ #measles vaccination campaigns, originally planned for 2020, were postponed because of the #COVID19 pandemic - leaving more than 9⃣3⃣ million people at risk for the disease.


During the #COVID19 pandemic, millions more children around the 🌐 missed out on lifesaving vaccinations.

Countries & health partners must prioritize routine immunization to reduce the risk of explosive outbreaks & preventable deaths from diseases like #measles.


As childhood vaccination rates fall, the risk of outbreaks like #measles & polio increases.

#VaccinesWork to help keep us safe from preventable diseases.

Ensure vaccines are up to date for you and your family.


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