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Nov 10, 2021, 11 tweets

In the U.S., 23% of women return to work within 10 days of giving birth, and 40% percent of maternal deaths occur in the six weeks following birth.

Paid leave can help solve the maternal mortality crisis

The U.S. ranks last among high-income nations in maternal mortality rates, despite spending more than $111 billion on maternal and infant health care per year.

A closer look at the data shows that Black women lead these numbers

Black women are two to three times more likely than White women to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications.

Solving this crisis is essential for bringing down America’s high maternal mortality rate

In the U.S., 40% percent of maternal deaths occur in the six weeks following labor. Almost 20% occur between six weeks postpartum and one year.

Federally mandated, paid maternity leave allows mothers to take the necessary time to recover from childbirth

One study compared paid and unpaid maternity leave policies in:

🇦🇺 Australia
🇸🇪 Sweden
🇳🇴 Norway
🇺🇸 U.S.
🇨🇦 Canada
🇱🇧 Lebanon

It found that longer paid leave policies are associated with better maternal health outcomes

Without paid leave, mothers often return to work before they are healthy enough to do so.

Nearly a quarter of employed women in the U.S. return to work within 10 days of giving birth. This leaves little time for medical appointments

The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act guaranteed 12 weeks of unpaid leave to certain workers, but only 56% of workers qualify.

Unpaid leave also often goes unused

Two-thirds of workers who take unpaid leave report having trouble making ends meet, and 27% return to work early as a result.

This burden falls especially hard on Black mothers, where 4 out of 5 are breadwinners

Unpaid leave policies were written to support an idea of a family in which the father supports everyone. But that’s not how most families look today.

Failure to recognize this undermines maternal health, especially in Black and brown communities

On its own, paid leave would not solve the Black maternal mortality crisis.

Solutions in the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2021 would:

➡️ Address provider discrimination within the health care system
➡️ Expand the perinatal workforce

The lack of paid maternity leave is often portrayed as a gender equality issue or an employee retention issue.

But most fundamentally, it is a health issue: Paid leave saves mothers' lives

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