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Nov 11, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING S.Africa's last white president F.W. de Klerk dies: foundation

#UPDATE FW de Klerk, South Africa's last white president, has died aged 85, his foundation announced on Thursday

#UPDATE De Klerk and Nelson Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for leading the "miracle" transition from white rule in South Africa

#BREAKING FW de Klerk 'changed the course of history': UK PM Johnson

#UPDATE British PM Boris Johnson on Thursday paid tribute to South Africa's last white president #FWDeKlerk after his death aged 85, praising him for changing "the course of history by freeing Nelson Mandela"

#UPDATE South Africa's last segregationist president, #FWDeKlerk, occupied a "historic but difficult space", Archbishop Desmond Tutu's office said in a statement Thursday after the former leader died aged 85

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