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Building bridges between marketing and finance. Your CFO's favorite agency. https://t.co/P2SGpbrqS5 DM's open!

Nov 11, 2021, 8 tweets

Introducing the largest publicly available (fact check?) eCommerce data set.

~230 brands totaling $2.3B+ in annual online revenue and over $250M in spend

Updated weekly at: commonthreadco.com/blogs/coachs-c…

Thread with benchmarks and YoY %-changes 🧵

*Notice before reading the thread*

Data doesn't give you answers it helps you discover the next questions to ask.

Benchmarks are generally useful and specifically useless.

Use this material to provide context to your journey, challenge your perceptions and then keep digging...


eCommerce MER (Jan.–Oct.)

- 2020 YTD: 5.71
- 2021 YTD: 5.02
- Change: -12.09%

iOS 14.5 Effect on MER

- Pre-iOS (Jan.–May): 4.88
- Post-iOS (June–Present): 5.16
- Pre vs Post Change: +5.67%


Facebook Reported ROAS (Jan.–Oct.)

- 2020 YTD: 2.01
- 2021 YTD: 1.78
- Change: -10.80%

iOS 14.5 Effect on Facebook ROAS

- Pre-iOS (Jan.–May): 2.13
- Post-iOS (June–Present): 1.46
- Pre vs Post Change: -31.56%


Weekly Avg. Facebook Spend per Account (Jan.–Oct.)

- 2020 YTD: $12,131
- 2021 YTD: $15,490
- Change: +28.23%


Weekly Facebook CPM (Jan.–Oct.)

- 2020 YTD: $8.31
- 2021 YTD: $12.73
- Change: +53.17%


MoM (last-28 days)

- Facebook Spend: -7.39%
- Facebook CPM: +37.91%
- Facebook Rev.: -27.50%
- Facebook CVR: -20.91%
- Facebook ROAS: -22.09%
- MER: Rev ÷ Spend: +0.26%
- Google CPC: +12.84%
- Google ROAS: +1.24%


If you’re a CTC client or ADmission member: We’ve already sent password-protected access to 3x the data sets.

For everybody else, get weekly updates on every metric here 👇


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