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Nov 12, 2021, 10 tweets

πŸ€” Why is it so important to 'keep 1.5C alive'?

🌏 Countries at #COP26 are racing to find ways to stop the global average temperature rise passing that.

🚨 But what happens if we fail? 🧡

πŸ”₯Deadly heat

β˜€οΈAt 1.5C, 14% of the world will face severe heatwaves at least once every five years.

❗️At 2C, this rises to 37%.

🌊 Heat is already responsible for most climate change-related deaths and could also worsen droughts, wildfires and floods.…

🧊 Melting ice

🌊 Limiting temperature rise to 1.5C could halve the expected amount of sea level rise this century.

❗️ At 2C, the Greenland and west Antarctic ice sheets could end up collapsing.

🚒 Large-scale sea level rise from this could force millions to flee their homes.

🌽 Food crisis

🌑️ At 2C warmer, @WFP warns that an additional 189 million people could go hungry worldwide.

πŸ—£ "If you have crop failures... then you could see extreme food price spikes... and famine across wide swathes of the world," said @UCL's climate scientist @SimonLLewis.

🦌 Wildlife threats

🐠 At 1.5C, the Great Barrier Reef has a chance of surviving. At 2C, the odds are low.

🌏 2C would make more areas of Earth uninhabitable for humans and animals - and more dangerous forest fires would pose an additional risk. πŸ”₯

πŸ”΄ We're now at 1.1C and scientists say it’s already code red for humanity with:

β˜”οΈ Torrential flooding from China to Germany

🌑 Hundreds dying when US temperatures hit record highs this summer

πŸ”₯ Deadly wildfires from the Mediterranean to Siberia to the U.S. West coast.

🚨 And we have more bad news.

❗️ Earth is on track to blow past 2C and possibly become warmer by 2.4C after the latest pledges at #COP26, according to research coalition @ClimateActionTr.

🌑 What would a world warmer by 2.4C look like?

Scientists warn:

🐠 Biodiversity would be vastly depleted
πŸŒ‡ Cities would be unable to cope with more extreme weather
🌱 Growing food could become more difficult in many parts of the world, leading to more global hunger

🌏 Failing to stop rising global temperatures could mean misery and suffering for most people on the planet.

🚨 Are we ready to face this bleak future?

πŸ”΄ Read more:…

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