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📆 Seasonal BL series viewer (like once in 4 months) ⏩ Seasonal translator (when my thesis let me 😂) ⏩ I'm Thai in my final PhD year in Ireland

Nov 12, 2021, 12 tweets


Just watched and analyzed the MV. I have to say that P'Violette (or P'Vee) team created such beautiful and artistic MV that I admired it. They used colors and symbolisms well. Therefore, I'll share some of my insight about it in this thread.


From my PoV, the MV portrays the story in a form of Vee's memories of her relationship w/ Mew. It started from when Vee picked up the polaroid of red+white carnation in a vase. And then the image of it and their time together flashed back to her


The 2 carnations in a vase symbolized Mew (red) and Vee (white). The color difference says that both of them are clearly different in personality and viewpoint. A vase represents that they're in a close relationship, to be exact, they're married


Another symbolism of plant is Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema. In Thailand, the plant represents the prosperity or being to move/grow forward. They grew the plant in believing that their loves would be long lasting.


As Vee looked at the pic, her memories kept playing in her head. The use of slight sepia-like color in these lovely moments allows us to understand that they're memories. We can also infer that the polaroids are her memories of Mew.


Despite all of good memories they had, the scene was cut to when she's about to light the polaroids on fire. This means that their relationship didn't end well. The room they lived and shared turned dark and looked abandoned. Both were also separated apart.


The difference of the two was emphasized again in a scence resembling Yin and Yang, trying to find balance between them but never did. However, they still dragged it on as seen by both struggling and gripping each other arms.


In the scene here, Mew's eyes were open staring at the ground looking exhausted, kinda realized that this love was going to end. While Vee's still sleeping like in a trance. For me, it's like Vee still had hope and wished that it'd work out


The way she kept on burning polaroids refers to the way she wants to erase and forget all of this. As she made her decision, her eyes that were closed suddenly opened, which means she made up her mind and realized that the relationship's going to end.


As the polaroids burnt, her memories of Mew were erased one by one. The scene was changed to Vee facing against Mew. The confrontation here was the last memories of Mew that Vee had left as the rest are burning/disappearing.


Orange flickering bg = fire which was burning the photos/memories that Vee had with Mew. She said "Thank you" as she hugged Mew (last piece of memories), cried, and smiled, meaning she's grateful w/ all the time they had together.


At the end of the MV, they both started to be ignited on fire and burn... Her memories of Mew... Of their good times... Of their relationship... Are now turned to ash.

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