Malgorzata (Gosia) Gasperowicz Profile picture
Developmental biologist, researcher. Makes COVID predictions that (so far) come true. Wants Canada to eliminate SARS2, #CleanTheAir & prevent #LongCOVID

Nov 14, 2021, 9 tweets

Hey Alberta, @jkenney @CMOH_Alberta
5th time?

Can we pls get off the rollercoaster? Have the true normalcy back? Could you please not make the 5th wave?

Bad future vs. good future👇
All depends on if @jkenney & @CMOH_Alberta decide to use 'light-touch' measures to avoid 5th 🌊

Green ones below👇are light-touch minimally-invasive measures. We are not using them as much as we could. They work better if used early.
@jkenney @CMOH_Alberta -- it is on you to implement them and protect Albertans from 5th wave.


Vaccines alone won't prevent the 5th wave. Countries w/ higher vaccination rate than AB but w/ insufficient public health measures experience increase in cases and hospitalizations.
(No 'decoupling' even in 88% vaxxed Portugal)


In order to prevent the 5th wave, the spread in elementary schools needs to be addressed. Since September elementary school kids have the highest infection rate among all age groups and it is now growing.
Kids < 12 are 100% not vaccinated


Please @jkenney @CMOH_Alberta this time don't dismiss me, don't send trolls my way, don't call me and others 'fear mongers'.
Instead, please treat this information seriously. And don't let more people suffer and die.

It's easy to prevent the 5th 🌊

From CBC article on Jun 15 👇

Leaders can stop the🌊
We have many minimally invasive tools now:
✅scientific certainty that SARS2 spreads via inhaled aerosols suspended in the air & knowledge how to clean the air
✅supply of high quality N95 respirators (soft comfy ones too)
✅rapid antigen tests

They just need to be used.
It is on @jkenney and @CMOH_Alberta to use all this tools as much as possible in order to stop SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

Good policies prevent the waves.
Bad policies make waves.


Above I showed not only models, but also real life "experiments" from Europe.

The evidence of what to do and what not to do is extremely clear.


Good info on CA-N95 respirators:

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