NK Leb #UpdateTheVaccines 💉 Profile picture
#UpdateTheVaccines Live attenuated vaccines $TSLA = Zero #CYAZ #BuranSprachbund

Nov 14, 2021, 8 tweets

The morons are at it again.

"What makes more sense"?

There are only two options. 3rd dose or no 3rd dose.

In what reality does not taking a vaccine make more sense than taking one?

None. Makes no immunological sense.

What difference does it make?

"Exhaust your immune system" has entered the chat.

It isn't, though. None of this is new.

There are zero immunologists working day and night watching The Simpsons reruns trying to decode "The Paradox" to figure out boosting at 6 months vs 1 year.

This is just a question for blue checkmark PH accounts on Twitter.

"Experts all agree" - no.

What is being described below is the very basis of "herd immunity" that had been promoted for over a year, for this very pathogen, whereby the immune protect the non-immune by breaking transmission chains.

The privileged have antivirals, monoclonals, dex and ECMO machines and everything in between.

The more vulnerable only have these free vaccines. Not even PTO to take them.

These people want to take away the only thing the vulnerable have.

In the name of the equality.

So what else can the individual do other than take a vaccine or wear a mask?

They are still at risk, sure, but the vaccine reduces the risk and you're not proposing any alternatives.

You're saying "the risk is still there, so don't take the vaccine."

Vaccination does two things:

1. Herd immunity: vaccinate oneself to protect the non-immune
2. Individual protection: vaccinate oneself to protect oneself.

These  🤡🤡 are against both. Against boosting to reduce transmission & against it to reduce individual risk.

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