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Big 4 lover.

Nov 15, 2021, 29 tweets

#ONEPIECE #theory
This is gonna be a thread on who I think the two sovereigns that meet are.

Now, a lot of people will say it's Luffy and Shirahoshi, others say it's Momonosuke and Shirahoshi.


And, if you haven't seen @ThePhantomStra5's fire theory about them being Shirahoshi and Pudding, definitely check it out. He gets into a lot of detail on it.

But I'ma get into my theory first, and then get into the reasons why I think it could be the case.

I. Believe. That the two sovereigns that meet, are Kozuki Momonosuke and Boa Hancock.

And here's why.


I did a thread a while back on how and why Momo and Hancock are two sides of the same coin. So if you haven't seen it yet, check it out sometime.

But here are my big reasons behind this theory. Here we go.

Let's start off with the most obvious, starting with this guy: Kozuki Momonosuke. First of all, his name, which, in Japanese, 光月モモの助, having 3 possible meaning.

1. The moonlight of Momo's assistance.
2. Momo's moonlit assistance.


{This next one's based off of Oden's definition of the name Momonosuke: Peerless)
3. "The peerless one's moonlit assistance"

What does that sound like?

And, who is Momonosuke's "moonlit assistance"? Well, based on these words from Oden about Joyboy, I believe-and it's obvious-it's Luffy.

Now here's where things get very interesting. If you notice, throughout the series, there have always been two symbols that stand out above all others. And it's these two. And the symbol that's heavily tied to Luffy the most, is the sun. Here's the proof.

1. If you look at Luffy's straw hat from the topside, it looks like a sun.

2. These words from Who's Who in #Onepiece1018, and the fact that they fit Luffy perfectly.

3. The fact that Fisher Tiger, the man that formed the Sun Pirates and freed all the slaves that were there at Mariejois at the time, including the Boa sisters, was who Boa Hancock compared Luffy to.

4. This moment at Amazon Lily. I mentioned it before in my thread about Mono and Hancock being two sides of the same coin, but I'll mention it again here.

Notice what the anime did?

5. This moment now in the Wano arc.

Again, very crafty what Toei did.

6. The ties between the Boa sisters and the Sun Pirates imo makes Amazon Lily itself tied to the sun.

7. Shandora, a place whose people worships the sun god, that has two giant snakes in total: 1 alive and the other dead, and Wyper shouting to Luffy to "Light the fire of Shandora!!" (Making Ace's death and Sabo now having his Flame-Flame Fruit all the more ironic.)

Which makes the Kozuki crest look all the more ironic, when you both think about it, and look at it up close.

There are 4 things that you're gonna wanna notice about this symbol.

1. The fact that it's got petals completely surrounding the bird in the center, almost makes it resemble sunflowers.

2. The crossbones.


Kind of implying that Wano Kuni would one day need the help of pirates, huh?

3. The circle design on the chest of the bird looking awfully similar.

And yet 4. It has direct ties to the moon. Unlike the Kuja Pirates jolly roger.

And again, shoutouts to @ThePhantomStra5 for his fire theory about Pudding and Shirahoshi being the two sovereigns that meet, because he pointed out something about the words of the sea kings.


(His screenshot, not mine btw. And I'll make a correction to this thread in a bit.)
He noted that based off these words, that 1 of the sovereigns would be 16 years old, and would need 15 years to grow.


She was 16 years old when she escaped Mariejois, and grew for the next 15 years. And now she knows how to rule a country.

And what does Momonosuke, the future shogun of Wano need help with? Knowing how to run a country.


And yet by the same token, Hancock knows the World Government, and Momonosuke doesn't. And yet Wano's extremely important to the future of the series, especially for setting up the final war against the World Government So they'll have to meet up at some point for these reasons.

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