Abdulla A. Damluji, MD, PhD Profile picture
• I swam in Tigris River in the '90s. • Then, competitive swimmer • Now, physician-scientist (interventional cardiology) • @NYUStern EMBA'23 • Tweets are my own

Nov 15, 2021, 12 tweets

Great session #AHA2021

Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes: An International Collaboration

@UmeshKhotMD @emilycob

The push for cardiovascular interventions on the interventional level - beyond the U.S.

Mark Huffman of @NorthwesternU

Funding on the international level.

$50 million from @nih_nhlbi and $30 million from @AHAScience to improve the global cardiovascular care.


Implementation research and health policy on the global stage #AHAQCOR

Quality of Care Measurement Globally.

@rohan_khera @Yale

Electronic Healthcare Systems in the World and Utilization of Data: A Focus on Quality Assurance of Data.


@hmkyale @rohan_khera

On Sex Disparities on Cardiovascular Health: A Global Perspective


Representation of Women in Clinical Trials Beyond

Care of Women is Suboptimal Relative to Men.

The age standardized deaths among women by social and economic status

The social and economic status and prevalence of HF by gender

Lower income regions, women, and CVD mortality


Heart Failure Trials Globally

Africa and Asia are underrepresented!

The road to the future is highlighted below:


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