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Nov 15, 2021, 24 tweets

One Piece Theory

The Fate of Vivi


To get the best possible insight into what the fate of Vivi might be, it's best to start by looking back at what happened before. So let's begin with a quick narrative recap.

Vivi was first introduced to as in chapter 102, as 'Mysterious woman, Miss Wednesday'

Of course we know that she later turned out to be a princess.

She had infiltrated Baroque Works in attempt to undermine them.

Shortly after this reveal, Vivi explains to the Straw Hats that she is the princess of Alabasta & that her country is currently stuck in a state of revolution.

This revolution had been instigated by Crocodile of the Warlords

There are a few details worth exploring in the events between this scene and then end of Alabasta but rather than making this all a recap, we will skip ahead to the main point and address those later on.

One of the interesting things that can give us some insight into the possibilities for Vivi's future, is looking back at the scene where she gives her speech at the end of Alabasta & seeing what that might tell us.

This one part of the speech sticks out to me as meaning more than it seems to, the themes of both storms and light are mentioned.

These metaphors connect directly to the idea of the D clan 'bringing a storm' & the idea of the dawn of the world.

This may imply that Vivi will play an important role in these events unfolding.

This idea is further supported when you look at the final lines of the speech.

These lines connect directly to this scene from 908

Reference to 'the light' & the erasure of historical truths.

This connects us into the current circumstances of Vivi.

Vivi's fate after the Reverie is yet unknown but it is heavily implied that she was captured in the incident that Garp refers to in 956

For a breakdown of what I think occurred in this incident, check out this thread

We also saw in 908 that the Gorosei were discussing the fact that Cobra had requested a meeting with them & remind each other that the Nefertari are to be considered as traitors. The Nefertari being one of the original 20 families that formed the World Government.

Putting all these things together, it seems most likely that Cobra was killed & that Vivi was captured, meaning she is currently captured alongside Sabo.

But, why does Imu want to capture Vivi?

This connects us to the Great Cleansing.

It was Pangea who first pointed this out to me, but it seems that Oda has been foreshadowing Vivi's connection to the Great Cleasing, through depicting her in cleaning situations.

This cover page, shows Vivi doing a deep clean 'great cleansing'. & the image of dragons over her.

This of course, would connect back into both of the references to 'the light', from Vivi in 216 & from the Gorosei in 908.

In this case, the 'light' is Alabasta, a country with centuries of history & culture.

When a nation learns to much, their existence is erased.

Cobra likely suffered the same fate as Clover & Alabasta will likely suffer the same fate as Ohara.

Beyond preventing Alabasta from learning the True History, which in itself provides another link back to Vivi's words in 216; Imu has an extra motive to begin with 'Great Cleansing' at Alabasta.

Obtaining Pluton.

If all this happens, what is Vivi's fate likely to be? Losing her father and her country, Vivi will likely be deeply affected by these events.

That leads us to the first interesting possibility.

Vivi escapes with Sabo.

Interestingly, Vivi's story has always had some association with revolution, that of course, was the main conflict of the Alabasta arc. Perhaps then it's not a coincidence that she has been placed in the path of Sabo, 2nd in Command of the Revolutionary Army.

The 2nd interesting possibility, which perhaps is not mutually exclusive to the 1st, is that what Vivi will do next, may be decided by the actions of Wapol.

Wapol of course, has known Vivi since she was child & was there to witness Vivi alongside the Straw Hats.

We know that Wapol leaked some information to Big News Morgans at the end of the Reverie, perhaps this was exactly it.

The princess, or rather, now queen of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi, is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates!

If this is the case, then it quite forces Vivi's hand & creates the situation where she reunites with the Straw Hats. The conditions of her no joining before no longer apply, because Alabasta is destroyed & her claim to the throne is ruined.

This ties tidily back into the vow that Vivi made with the Straw Hats when the left Alabasta and she decided to stay.

This may be the fate of Vivi. The lose of her father through assassination & the lose of her kingdom through the Great Cleansing, with a bit of help from some revolutionaries & Wapol's leak forcing her decision, will lead to her reunion with the Straw Hats & official membership.

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