Nicolas Cole 🚢👻 Profile picture
On a mission to build the world’s biggest writing education business. | Co-Founder Premium Ghostwriting Academy, Ship 30 for 30, Typeshare. | Author of 10 books

Nov 16, 2021, 9 tweets

7 ways to niche down & create your own category (with examples):

1. WHAT do you do… that you are uniquely known for?

Velveeta is known for "the melt."

There are fancier cheeses. There are healthier cheeses. There are more indulgent cheeses.

But "the melt" is what turned Kraft's Velveeta into a $100M+ brand.

What's your "melt?"

2. WHO do you do it for… who are surprisingly willing to pay large premiums?

One such audience is scrapbookers—who love, love, love buying scissors.

To Staples, scissors are cheap & mass-produced.

To scrapbookers, scissors can be a luxury good.

$50-$75 per pair.

3. WHEN do you do it… that sits at the peak intersection of Important and Urgent?

Wendy's created a unique position in the customer's mind with their slogan:

"Eat Great, Even Late"

Their unique competitive advantage wasn't food quality, but TIME.

4. WHERE do you do it… that if money were no object, everyone would want it?

There are lots of cannoli and artisan bread shops in California.

But the Santa Cruz Bread Boy comes to you.

5. WHY do you do it… that is so in sync with the Superconsumer, word of mouth spreads like wildfire?

The UFC has approximately 576 fighters on their roster.

But only one MAGA/Trump fighter.

Colby Covington's niche guarantees an audience.

6. What OUTCOME do you unlock… that is 100x more valuable than what you charge?

Notice the differences:

• "I write newsletters"
• "I write newsletters that go viral"
• "I write newsletters that convert readers into customers"

The more specific the outcome, the better.

7. How much and “how” does it COST… that is both a value and a premium, and the ‘way you pay’ is a benefit in itself all at the same time?

This is what people say about Ship 30 for 30:

"The course provides obscene value for a laughable price."

This = a niche in itself.

If you enjoyed this thread, read the Category Pirates "mini-book" on how to niche down here:


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