5 dead-simple steps to write a 60,000-word book in 30 days—even if you've never written a book before:🧵
For context:
It took me 4 years to write my 1st book and it took me 4 months to write my 2nd book.
Now, I can write a 60,000 word book in 30 days.
Here's the framework:
1. Your book's Main Title/Subtitle is 80% of the work.
• What question (of the reader's) are you answering?
• What problem are you solving?
• What solution are you unlocking?
• How are you going to get there?
Don't start writing till you can answer these 4 questions.
This guy has published 83 novels and more than 200 short stories.
He is a towering figure in the world of writing.
All writers should memorize these 14 epic tips from Stephen King's book "On Writing":🧵
Tip #1: Above all others: read and write a lot.
Your fingers have to learn the feel of the keys and your mind must acquire the habit of story-making.
Combine the two and copy a short story by hand to absorb the style.
Tip #2: Stories consist of three parts.
• What happens: Narrative moves the story forward.
• How it happens: Description creates a vivid reality for the reader.
• Who said what: Dialogue brings characters to life with speech.