Ram Bhupatiraju Profile picture
Engineer/Investor. Here to learn and share about Investing. Stay curious.

Nov 16, 2021, 8 tweets

Phenomenal curation of Howard Marks' memos by @BlasMoros.👏

So many excellent points on Market/Credit/Economic cycles & investor psychology. Few of my fav parts in the thread below.⬇️


✔️Some of the recurring mistakes investors make

✔️Pendulum analogy for the Market cycles

✔️Overall cycles that can affect the Markets & investors.

-Economic cycle
-Business cycle
-Profit cycle
-Credit cycle
-Market cycle

✔️Simple explanation of the credit cycle.

✔️Corporate Life cycle

✔️Three stages of a Bull Market

✔️Excellent points on Risk. It's so important to not let the falling stock prices (on good Businesses with plenty of future growth) determine the actual value/riskiness of the Business if you plan to buy it for the long-term.

Learn how investor psychology and Market cycles feed each other, so that you are not too easily influenced by the falling/rising prices.

Don't let the Market teach you these lessons the hard way (getting hyped into the market at highs, and capitulating during the lows).

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