💙@KTParker@mastodon.online 🇫🇷🇬🇧🇪🇸🇺🇦🌻 Profile picture
Spanglish screenwriter, playwright & reluctant political activist, with a fetish for shoes. FD BigBreak & Roadmap Wise Words Winner. Brefugee in Paris 🇪🇺

Nov 17, 2021, 5 tweets

Voters of #Cornwall #Devon #Dorset and #Somerset:

Did your MP vote to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain the #TripleLock on pensions?

Check this handy guide: (1/5)

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK

These are the #Cornwall MPs who voted to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain the #TripleLock on pensions.

George Eustice
Cherilyn Mackrory
Steve Double
Sheryll Murray
Scott Mann

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK 2/5

These #Devon MPs voted to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain pension #TripleLock.

Selaine Saxby
Geoff Cox
Mel Stride
Simon Jupp
Neil Parish
Anthony Mangnall
Anne Marie Morris
Gary Streeter
Kevin Foster

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK 3/5

Here are the #Dorset MPs who voted to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain pension #TripleLock.

Chris Loder
Simon Hoare
Richard Drax

Michael Tomlinson was the teller for the 'ayes'.

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK 4/5

Here are the #Somerset MPs who voted to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain pension #TripleLock.

John Penrose
Iain Liddell-Grainger
James Heappey
David Warburton
Rebecca Pow
Marcus Fysh

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK 5/5

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