Richard Woods Profile picture
@cads_lsbu PhD student A leading critical #PathologicalDemandAvoidance expert Attributed as autistic, presently with a "post-autistic identity" Views are my own

Nov 17, 2021, 5 tweets

This is just a short thread containing all my present images on PDA (off the top of my head. Trying to group them in some sort of relevance.

So 4 circle Venn diagram is my version of Soppitt (2021, p299). The 5 circle is my own one based on current research results.

First image is the demand-management cycle (which should be in print soon). Second is my 3D model for viewing PDA.

First image is from Rosen et al (2021). The second image is my one based on the Rosen et al image, with "hoovering up" PDA features which "halo" the DSM-5 autism criteria.

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