Maker{Futures} Profile picture
We offer guidance and support for running makerspaces in early years settings, schools, libraries, museums and community spaces. @EducationSheff @SheffieldUni

Nov 18, 2021, 7 tweets

Hey @TheIET, @EngineerDG & @iamwill we are totally with you on #EngineeringKidsFutures! We @Sheffielduni can see a very bright future for home-grown engineering talent. Let me explain in this thread 🧵where we are at. 1/

The UK currently has some of the world’s best, top level engineering. But there’s a massive shortfall of new talent and the picture is getting worse as country after country overtake us in skills and knowledge. What are we doing about it? 2/

#Engineering has an image problem, particularly among certain under-represented groups. Not everyone can identify as an engineer, but most people, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, dis/ability can identify as a #Maker. 3/

Maker{Futures} are changing the current picture by approaching engineering in its broadest, maker-based sense and ensuring that every young person has the reasons, skills and mindsets to develop innovative solutions to problems. And there is more… 4/

We’re piloting an innovative early years & primary maker programme for educators of 3-12 year olds to support this. Designed in collaboration with heads, teachers, children & by experts in engineering, digital literacy & primary/early years education @SheffieldUni 5/

The new Maker{School} programme has engineering engagement at its core and integrates into the current primary curriculum and is accessible to children, but also to primary and early years teachers, libraries, museum and community educators without a technical background. 6/

We would like to join the conversation and lend a hand to help with #EngineeringKidsFutures. Let’s talk… 7/

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