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Nov 18, 2021, 19 tweets

Indictment unsealed: Iranians charged with 2020 Election interference, including posing as Proud Boys in an effort to dupe Republicans into believing false evidence of election rigging.

Indictment is available here: justice.gov/opa/press-rele…

Treasury has sanctioned the people involved, the cybersecurity company they worked for (a front for Iranian intelligence?) and the leadership of that company.
Good thing Biden extended Trump's election interference Executive Order!

The Iranians were caught prior to the 2020 election in a video where they posed as the Proud Boys to disrupt the election by sending emails threatening Democrats & others duping Republicans into thinking the voting was rigged...

They successfully hacked on state voter system. Using that info to target voters & create a video using their own rigged server (not a real voting system) to fool people into thinking absentee ballots for the military were being requested as part of fraud.

So when you see articles claiming FBI investigations of Proud Boys, have you considered that FBI was investigating Iranian agents posing as Proud Boys?

Wonder if they also funded the Proud Boys to make the boogie man they were helping create more powerful...

The Iranians also hacked a US media company prior to the election. Then tried to interfere with that media company the day after the election to further erode confidence in the election.
But FBI had warned the media company & they blocked the Iranians.

The computer company provides services to the Iranian government including the Guardian Council.
The Guardian Council plays a major role in dictating Islamic Law, screening out candidates for office, & ensuing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard control Iran.

FBI's Cleveland Field Office is running the case...

Does that mean that State-1 that got hacked is Ohio?

Ohio is Republican Swamp territory...

You have to wonder who these Iranians were really working for when they made obvious mistakes to show their IP address...
An IP address identified as Iranian by unidentified cyber security researchers (Joffe's crew?) & Alperovitch of Crowdstrike.

Back to the indictment. They then tried to trick people associated with the Trump Campaign that Democrats were rigging the election...
Wonder if we will learn that false allegations like the Kraken story also came from these Iranians or their clients?

Hey an actual honest to God "false flag operation" by Iranian cybersecurity contractors pretending to be Proud Boys to trick the right into believing the election was rigged by Democrats.

The Iranian hackers then used stolen information to target Democrats with threats that they must register as Republicans & vote for Trump. Again pretending to be the Proud Boys.

Media Company-1 was a wire service that provided content management to dozens of newspapers.
The Iranians tested their ability to create & modify content into fake news that the Media Comapnay would then share with their customers.
Doesn't sound big enough to be AP or Reuters...

The Iranians then tried the day after the election to post fake news content directly into this wire service to their newspaper & other publication customers.
Their access had been blocked, so the Iranian fake news about election rigging did not go out that day...

Interesting that Cleveland FBI office is running the investigation but they were charged in SDNY...
Based on the fact that some of the victims emailed lived in SDNY.
Does this connect to other cases in SDNY under the same prosecutors?

Unless it connects to something else these are tenuous reasons to shift the case from Cleveland to Manhattan.

Maybe SDNY is running a bunch of Iranian cases as their representatives to the UN & intel people are in NYC...

Charges related to the hacking of media company-1's computer network being damaged. Likely just the repair costs to clean & wipe the server...

Going after the money & attempting to trace the #Receipts...
I wouldn't want to be the people (Iranian or otherwise) who paid these contractors to interfere in the 2020 Presidential election...

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