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Nov 19, 2021, 8 tweets

DOJ fires a shot at Project Veritas & O'Keefe.
There's a difference between stealing documents & publishing documents stolen by someone else!
Claiming that PV stole the documents & thus has no 1st Amendment rights as a publisher!

The discussion is whether to have a DOJ filter team review the material for privileged information & seal it off from the investigators & prosecutors.
Or to appoint a Special Master to review the documents for priviliged information.

DOJ says that O'Keege & PV are making statements that are "false or misleading" to pretend this investigation is not legitimate & in compliance with DOJ policy.

Essentially saying their claim that they had no involvement in the theft is false.

There is no 1st Amendment protection if you are involved in stealing the information.
Same applies to Assange too!

DOJ makes it pretty clear, even with the redaction, that they have probable cause that the publishers conspired with the people that stole the diary.

DOJ is using Avenatti & a lawsuit against Trump's campaign as precedents for a lack of 1st Amendment protection for illegally acquiring information to publish.
Even noting that PV didn't publish it. But their contractor, a British Spy turned oppo researcher, did publish it!

DOJ is essentially arguing that O'Keefe & PV are an oppo research spying agency like Glenn Simpson & Fusion GPS. Except O'Keefe takes donations from, instead of invoicing, people who want him to do oppo research on their political adversaries.

Unless you think Nunes should have respected Glenn Simpson's claims of 1st Amendment privilege to hide which reporters he was paying, it's hard to argue O'Keefe isn't doing the same thing Simpson does...

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