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I'll help you build a monopoly business with your personal brand | Bitcoin, Business, Family, Freedom | Exited my offline business and pivoted to online biz

Nov 21, 2021, 14 tweets

1/ I’m back at my hotel now with wifi so going to use this thread to share videos I took of the #bitcoin city announcement.

First, @nayibbukele entrance

2/First words

3/ Talking about El Salvador’s quick work Adopting bitcoin and the opposition attempts to sabotage

4/ The moment @nayibbukele announces #bitcoin city

5/#bitcoin city announcement continued

6/ #bitcoin city announcement continued 2

7/ Digging deeper on the details about #bitcoin city.

8/ #bitcoin city details continued including tax details

9/ @nayibbukele brings @Excellion up on stage to introduce the #bitcoin bond.

The bond was my favourite part.

10/ @Excellion breaking down the #bitcoin  bond 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

11/ #bitcoin bond breakdown by @Excellion continued

12/ more #bitcoin bond details

13/ “NATION STATE FOMO” - @Excellion

14/ THE END, @nayibbukele LEAVES THE STAGE.

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