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Nov 22, 2021, 11 tweets

Which should lead any reasonable observer to realize that Durham has permission to use the sequestered evidence from the @carterwpage FISA.
FISC Judge Boasberg authorized DOJ to use the evidence to prosecute people involved in the case.

Which is a big tell from Durham that his case against Hillary's agents who were attempting to frame Trump for Collusion. Includes a broader scope because the same people involved were also framing US intel agents for Russian Collusion.

The FISC ruling specifically addressed the need of then USA Durham to use the evidence in FBI files & systems of spying on Carter Page to prosecute those who spied on Carter Page.

Boasberg ruled that to get specific unminimized information, Durham would need to demonstrate a particular need to use & disclose the unminimized information.
The need that Emptywheel sees in the Danchenko case.
If he can't prove his case without it, Durham has met the standard!

Boasberg's ruling specifically authorized necessary usage to invetigate or prosecute crimes related to the Page or Crossfire Hurricane investigations, provided they demonstrate a particular need to disclose the evidence.
DOJ must notify the Judge only after authorizing it.

Emptywheel thinks giving Danchenko's defense an excuse to demand all this information for discovery is a mistake by Durham.
Why would anyone think that Durham isn't prosecuting Danchenko to provide him the need to disclose information of illegal spying that otherwise coundn't?

Durham didn't accidentally give Danchenko the chance to demand disclosure of classified evidence.
It is a way to force the disclosure of classified evidence that will expose the crimes of the larger conspiracy that is currntly covered by classification.

Danchenko won't be bluffed into pleading guilty as the sentences are fairly light for lying to the FBI.
'Forcing' DOJ to get agencies to declassify this information for his defense. Once declassified it can then be used in other cases & Durham's report to AG Garland.

Even more important, Judge Trenga who is trying the Danchenko case has spent the last 3 years trying to get DOJ to disclose more classified information in the FARA case against LTG. Flynn's former partner.
So he's primed to make DOJ over declassify info on the Russia Hoax.

Even better, the discovery will force Brady disclosure on Durham to find all the missing documents & hidden information from the Mueller prosecutions involving @GeorgePapa19 @SergeiMillian Kilimnik & Oleg Deripaska.
Everyone in the Russia Hoax was working for Deripaska!

I did a thread on this when emptywheel realized Durham would have to disclose information about Deripaska's involvement.

Durham has now 'forced himself' to declassify all of this information about Deripaska's role in Russiagate...
It wasn't an accident!

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