Welkait-Tegedé🚜🌾#AmharaGenocide Profile picture
ወልቃይቴ 🇨🇬🇸🇩🇦🇺 All things Welkait 🌻 Stop #AmharaGenocide #FreeAmhara PP, OLA/F, & TPLF to ICC #WelkaitIsAmhara Praying for Ethiopia 💔

Nov 23, 2021, 7 tweets


Just because some Ethiopians don't appreciate people until it is too late #NoMore #AbiyAhmed👑

Here are just some of the note-worthy works of @AbiyAhmedAli in the past 3 yrs

1/ Eritrea-Ethiopia peace deal!!!!

2/ Press freedom, even though it faced a lot of challenges with rising ethnic killings and civil war, it is still remarkable improvement which was unimaginable during the 27yrs of TPLF rule.

3/ Grand mega project completed in a short period of time. This marvelous building was hidden, neglected, and deteriorating because of hate towards the an ethnicity.

Some of projects finished in short time: Unity Park, Friendship Park, Entoto Park, Meskel Square, & so on

Just some of the transformations. This would have taken years during TPLF rule because of corruption, poor management, and accountability.

3/ Building independent institutions from scratch like @EthioHRC, @NEBEthiopia, and many more.

4/ Release of political prisoners rotting in prison for decades and inviting Ethiopians who were political fugitive and not allowed to the country

(To be continued)

Moral of the thread appreciate before it's too late.

Some of you being divisive and showing contempt towards Abiy at this moment in history when Addis Ababa is encircled by TPLF & OLF, are helping them & doing the job for them unintentionally or intentionally.

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