Aaron Rentfrew 🏔🏜🌋🏕 Profile picture
Creator of Mind Unbound - Master the Trading Mindset | $ES $NQ Trader | Market Profile/Order Flow | Author of Turning Point | Strategy/Mindset 👇👇

Nov 23, 2021, 5 tweets

$NQ - I think I'll keep posting the NQ plan for a few more days, it's been fun to share and I hope some have found it helpful ✌️

Best of luck tonight/tomorrow

"Below the spike low and 16366, I would look for shorts down to 16330, 16293. Buyers should defend 16277.75-16260."


"if we move below 16260, I want to short targeting 16222, 16168, & 16150."

$NQ - the bigger picture - from one side of the balance zone extension to the other. 575 pts in 24 hrs.

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