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Nov 23, 2021, 9 tweets

Do you know what Lucifer sex everyday? Yeah right.

Lucifer married Rihanna and Lady Gaga.

Watch Rihanna's "Umbrella" music video, she gave Lucifer Doggy Style.

Please be mindful of those hip-hop rappers. They're working for Satan.

Do you know that Star is symbol of Antichrist? Yeah right.

You're not making heaven if you be Starboy. 😂

Do you believe in the supernatural? Here's Lucifer talking in person.

Wow! Demon with the braids. I love her. 🤣😂

Do you know that all that glitter is not gold? All that glitters leads you to hell.

Shine shine boy, characteristics of hellfire. 🤣😂

Doggy is Lucifer's favorite sex position.

Desist! Repent!

God prefers missionary, ask the Virgin Mary.

Doggy will lead you to hell.

Small breast dey wear pushup bra, you get special place in hell for false advertisement.

If you dey wear bra wey get foam inside, hell straight! 🤣😂

Here we have Muslims praising their God on behalf of this fowl crowing *God have mercy!* 🤦🏽

Does religion turn people stupid, or do stupid people become religious? 😂

Here we have Bishop David Oyedepo, a Nigerian preacher claims he spoke in tongues through a flyer.

Wow! A wonderfool God.

What flyers cannot do does not exist. 😂

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