Sam Prescott Profile picture
Husband, dad, surfer

Nov 24, 2021, 9 tweets

Here’s a look at the sCiEnCe behind the covid vaccine. It’s a #$@!% joke.

2. The COVID vaccination campaign is the biggest medical fraud in modern history.

3. The “Operation Warp Speed” injections are dangerous and don’t work.

4. They are the deadliest ‘vaccines’ ever created.

5. They don’t stop transmission and are causing a ton of health issues.

6. The risk of developing heart problems are significantly increased in those who’ve received these fast-tracked vaccines.

7. The rushed vaccine experiment is a complete failure.

You're being lied to. Constantly. The long-term effects, are totally unknown.
Entire countries of people are guinea pigs in this tragic medical experiment. The vaccine companies have complete immunity. KNOWLEDGE is not only POWER but it could save you & your family’s life.

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