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Dec 23, 2021 36 tweets 7 min read
1. A thread about cancer.

Most people don’t realize the politics of cancer therapy and the history of how vested interests have succeeded in influencing the medical profession & govt agencies & public opinion about cancer & the treatments that are available. 2. The full story of both the science & corruption are presented in the books & documentaries that are included in this thread so you can pursue your own investigation & get smart about cancer and the effective treatments that exist.
Nov 24, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Here’s a look at the sCiEnCe behind the covid vaccine. It’s a #$@!% joke. 2. The COVID vaccination campaign is the biggest medical fraud in modern history.
Jan 4, 2020 12 tweets 17 min read
@JordanB4815 @callthecorners @TulsiGabbard @jennajameson @johnpodesta FACT: Vaccines contain Aluminum.

FACT: Aluminum is a known neurotoxin associated with brain dysfunctions.

FACT: Studies show that aluminum can cause long-term neurological damage. Image @JordanB4815 @callthecorners @TulsiGabbard @jennajameson @johnpodesta WHY ARE VACCINES NOT TESTED FOR CAUSING AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS WHEN THEY CONTAIN SUBSTANCES THAT ARE KNOWN TO CAUSE AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS?
Oct 1, 2019 6 tweets 7 min read
@Anthrosunday @maewest52499669 @JoeBenedett @realDonaldTrump 1. Try to keep up. My thread merely compiles 50 years of climate “science”. With links to veritfy. From the scientists themselves. It’s what THEY’VE said. Not me. All i did was compile it all. @Anthrosunday @maewest52499669 @JoeBenedett @realDonaldTrump 2. There’s been so much scientific bullshit that the general public isnt buying it anymore.

For ex: The IPCC report that led to the KyotoProtocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming.…
Sep 30, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive Um at this point, Big CO2 is where the real money is.… @Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive Signatories to the KyotoProtocol bought into the cap &trade concept in 2005 and now big CO2 is bigger than "big oil." ImageImageImage
Sep 30, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive CO2 was pretty steady when the Roman warm period, the cooler Dark Ages, Ice-Age, Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period happened, all natural climatic changes that far exceeds today's changes. Image @Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive If there was approx 25% less CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now w/ temps throughout much of the world just as high (or higher) during those warm periods as they are now then there is nothing unnatural, unusual, or unprecedented about the current level of Earth’s warmth.
Sep 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@the_insiderUKG Climatology/geology/genetics as well as many other scienctific fields owe their existence to govt research grants. Most scientists cant put food on their table w/o receiving grant money to conduct their research. @the_insiderUKG When your existence depends on support from govts, it’s in your interest to conduct research in a way that supports the continuation of research in your chosen field.
Grants are awarded based on likelihood that a particular researcher will find evidence that supports a hypothesis
Sep 25, 2019 8 tweets 7 min read
@TheNTVL @AlamutDreams @rafafeldespato It's all about more power, money & especially control. Convincing populations that a massive intervention is necessary to stave off imminent collapse of life caused by humans paves the way for extraordinary control over each & every one of us @TheNTVL @AlamutDreams @rafafeldespato The climate change narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

1. For example, the IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims…
Sep 24, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
@TheNTVL @rafafeldespato Climatology/geology/genetics as well as many other scienctific fields owe their existence to govt research grants. Most scientists cant put food on their table w/o receiving grant money to conduct their research. @TheNTVL @rafafeldespato When your existence depends on support from govts, it’s in your interest to conduct research in a way that supports the continuation of research in your chosen field.
Grants are awarded based on likelihood that a particular researcher will find evidence that supports a hypothesis
Sep 23, 2019 7 tweets 7 min read
@TheRyanPGH @ewarren @GretaThunberg #Science The entire climate change narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

1. The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims… @TheRyanPGH @ewarren @GretaThunberg Scientific consensus is a lie.

Here’s a 2008 US Senate report of 700+ independent DISSENTING scientists. Compare this number to the 52 “coin-operated” scientists who supported the UN’s 2007 IPCC report.


🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 #Science
Aug 31, 2019 6 tweets 10 min read
@9potatocorden @JosephHaram @TastesLikeYou @stevetimman @DineshDSouza @GeraldKutney @BatcaveSlimer Wrong. @9potatocorden @JosephHaram @TastesLikeYou @stevetimman @DineshDSouza @GeraldKutney @BatcaveSlimer Why is Manhattan real estate so valuable?

Why are banks still loaning 30 year mortgages on ocean front property?

Why do insurance companies insure beach front homes if they will be underwater in the near future?
Aug 31, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
@Canadia56668243 @NewshubNZ Why is Manhattan real estate so valuable?

Why are banks loaning 30 year mortgages on ocean front property?

Why do insurance companies insure beach front homes if they will be underwater in the near future? @Canadia56668243 @NewshubNZ How come all the waterfront businesses and hotels and condos along the beaches have no plans of leaving and more are being built everyday?
Aug 31, 2019 18 tweets 22 min read
@9potatocorden @JosephHaram @TastesLikeYou @stevetimman @DineshDSouza @GeraldKutney The entire climate change narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

For example:

The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims. Image @9potatocorden @JosephHaram @TastesLikeYou @stevetimman @DineshDSouza @GeraldKutney Example 2:

The absurd amount of scientific fraud and data manipulation by climate change “scientists:”…
Aug 30, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@KiwiCraig74 “There is no observational evidence that the addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused any temperature perturbations in the atmosphere.” Award-winning atmospheric scientist Dr. George T. Wolff, EPA’s Science Advisory Board & member committee of NOAA) @KiwiCraig74 Lol. “Once again we have misleading climate change pronouncements being based on data errors, data errors detected by non-UN, non-IPCC, non-peer-reviewed external observers…”
Aug 30, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
@KiwiCraig74 “It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” - U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA @KiwiCraig74 Dr. Reid Bryson, Professor of Physical Geography at University of Wisconsin at Madison, who has been called the “father of scientific climatology” and “the world’s most cited climatologist”:

“[Manmade global warming] is a theory for which there is no credible proof...
Aug 29, 2019 8 tweets 9 min read
@RussTaylorPhD @icQpeople1 @DineshDSouza @AOC Let’s learn about how your climate narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception:

1. The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims… @RussTaylorPhD @icQpeople1 @DineshDSouza @AOC 2. Scientific consensus is a lie.

Here’s a 2008 US Senate report of 700+ independent DISSENTING scientists. Compare this number to the 52 “coin-operated” scientists who supported the UN’s 2007 IPCC report.

Aug 29, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
@KiwiCraig74 Ok. The entire climate change narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

1. The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims… @KiwiCraig74 2. Scientific consensus is a lie.

Here’s a 2008 US Senate report of 700+ independent DISSENTING scientists. Compare this number to the 52 “coin-operated” scientists who supported the UN’s 2007 IPCC report.

Aug 26, 2019 8 tweets 14 min read
@__Rex_Mundi__ @lunatic_rayven @jim_beau_va @thedjrichyb @TheOneEnigma @madhatter632 @mac1958 @PeinsippMike There has been so much scientific bullshit that the general public isnt buying it anymore Michael. @__Rex_Mundi__ @lunatic_rayven @jim_beau_va @thedjrichyb @TheOneEnigma @madhatter632 @mac1958 @PeinsippMike Ex 1:

The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims…
Aug 21, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
@ZaxxonGalaxian NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses… @ZaxxonGalaxian Alarmists assume glaciers will behave as they have over previous years due to their theory that CO2 is the primary driver of changes in the climate. If, however, one recognizes natural climate variability, this change is quite expected.…
Aug 21, 2019 6 tweets 60 min read
@pureunfoldment1 @nzhippygirl @JDavidBourne1 @OceansAhead @COCrowe @thedjrichyb @ADevotedYogi @rpayne1956 @DaveCrockett20 @TheOneEnigma @madhatter632 @Okibutt @darndifino @magambill @mpo619 @kruttika108 @RodiJannat @hsbanik @jim_beau_va @sacmac11 @stevedaher @MercerCreed @JCStill1 @PolAnimalAus @torpet002 @TrumpMockery @Elizabe90736128 @paradigmyname @Tux_299 @mac1958 @vibora_volando @crisjb55 @daisyscoldwater @Superman6869 @dan613 @ljcambria @Southsierradude @tarchon7 @PeinsippMike @RogerPielkeJr @StrongEconomics @realDonaldTrump @NationalEnquir @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @MittRomney @SenTedCruz @RonJohnsonWI The entire climate change narrative is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

Ex 1.

The IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming claims… @pureunfoldment1 @nzhippygirl @JDavidBourne1 @OceansAhead @COCrowe @thedjrichyb @ADevotedYogi @rpayne1956 @DaveCrockett20 @TheOneEnigma @madhatter632 @Okibutt @darndifino @magambill @mpo619 @kruttika108 @RodiJannat @hsbanik @jim_beau_va @sacmac11 @stevedaher @MercerCreed @JCStill1 @PolAnimalAus @torpet002 @TrumpMockery @Elizabe90736128 @paradigmyname @Tux_299 @mac1958 @vibora_volando @crisjb55 @daisyscoldwater @Superman6869 @dan613 @ljcambria @Southsierradude @tarchon7 @PeinsippMike @RogerPielkeJr @StrongEconomics @realDonaldTrump @NationalEnquir @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @MittRomney @SenTedCruz @RonJohnsonWI Ex 2.

Scientific consensus is a lie.

2008 US Senate report of 700+ independent DISSENTING scientists.

(Compare this number to the 52 “coin-operated” scientists who supported the UN’s 2007 IPCC report).

Jul 10, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read