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No longer trading shitcoins. Mainly focusing on $NQ, $ES, Gold and Silver. Quarterly Theory will show you the light.

Nov 24, 2021, 18 tweets

I’m going out for the evening. I’ll be keeping an eye on what they do with Bitcoin. If they do start coming down towards those lows again with aggression I will look to cut my long. However, I think the storm has been weathered and they’re just trapping more shorts atm

For what it’s worth Thursdays are usually reversal days. I’m slightly cautious about there being a full on reversal today. All I’m looking for them to do is shift it out of this zone a little bit. But i do think we’re at the bottom.

The only place i think they could potentially come back to is this green vector. There is still the possibility they sweep the lows of this range to get this. I’m not fudding - we just have to be aware of the possibilities

Should know more by end of the New York session which is in around 2 hours time

Again this green line is proving to be a key level. It’s obviously under this line is where they want to build most of their positions. We need them to take this line out! $btc #bitcoin

They are so quick to dump but so slow to pump 🙄

Me watching this chart:

Tokyo 🧐

Realised earlier that this green line should actually be a bit higher. They’re now hovering above it. You can see it’s now the mid point of the asian session (white box). Wouldn’t mind if they just stayed that way for a bit before the full send 🙌

Small update: …fuck this green line

Bigger update: Everything still looks fine. W still looks good on the 4 hour and larger timeframe. I am awaiting the short squeeze which we may have to wait until tomorrow for due to this options expiry thing (not my strong area)

Quick update. Just be careful. Options don’t expire until tomorrow so we might not get our move until then. I’m seeing a small M pattern on the 1hr with two green vectors at the top. And a green/red vector reversal pattern on the 15m. Could get a small retrace before we go up

Nothing major, just another lesson to learn. Here’s not a place to long atm. You can see they’ve halted here. Why? Because it was the high they set for Monday. We are at the top of the range. Expecting some consolidation below here before they blast through it upwards to 64k

I’m not cutting my long. I think they’ve already shown their intention.

The last time NYC had the day off we were at a high of 52k and the next day they came back and crashed it to 42k.

I’m thinking the opposite happens tomorrow and they take us upwards. Potentially to 64k

I think they come back to around the previous daily high which sits at that green line we all know and love. Then bounce upwards from there. Expecting some fireworks tomorrow. $btc

Also confluent with that being the area where the 50ema will be positioned.

Rise up, retrace and retest 50ema on 1hr, then bounce (50ema is the one with the purple cloud around it)

By the way. You see how knowing these levels can help you from fomo’ing in? I didnt know for certain it was going to drop slightly, but there was a good chance because that level was a key area

The indicator is SpacemanBTC Key Level.

Monday High proves to be the turning point. Back to the green dotted line. Would like to see them just consolidate there. Is also where the 50ema is on the 1hr $btc

Nothing to worry about imo. Just normal. Asia setting it up for tomorrow

Also, forgot about options expiry. Max pain for options expiry for Friday is under 58k. Thanks @Cryptopoulp1

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