Oliver Willis Profile picture
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Subscribe to https://t.co/mJMG4RqbZB

Nov 25, 2021, 8 tweets

I was just about to note how weird dogs are and then Kal-El began furiously licking my forehead. The prosecution rests.

I have no privacy even when reading tweets

Other people: Oh I’ve trained my dog to do *all these wonderful things*

My dog: *literally walks all over me every day*

Me: “This is fine.”

But just look at him tho. It really is fine.

One of his favorite toys is these plastic keys. This is probably his fourth or fifth set cause I have to throw it out when he’s ground it down to nothing so it doesn’t splinter. He has too many toys but 🤷🏽‍♂️

I really don’t get any respect in this house.

I’m being bullied.

I might have purchased doggie ice cream as a treat for someone for the holiday tomorrow.

These kabobs are his favorite treat. Took a while to figure out which one he would consistently eat but these are the champions.

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