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Nov 25, 2021, 6 tweets

🆕 Interim statement on #COVID19 vaccination for children & adolescents

Countries should consider the individual & population benefits of immunising children and adolescents in their specific epidemiological and social context when developing their #COVID19 immunisation policies and programs

As children & adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, unless they are in a group at higher risk of severe #COVID19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions & health workers

There are benefits of vaccinating children & adolescents that go beyond the direct health benefits.
Vaccination that decreases #COVID19 transmission in this age group may reduce transmission from children & adolescents to older adults

As long as many parts of the world are facing extreme vaccine shortages, countries that have achieved high vaccine coverage in their high-risk populations should prioritize global sharing of #COVID19 vaccines through the COVAX facility before vaccinating children & adolescents

It is of utmost importance for children to continue to receive the recommended childhood vaccines for other infectious diseases.


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