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Nov 25, 2021, 6 tweets

[Thread] @Tuliodna:
1. On Fri, SA scientists will meet with @WHO to discuss a new variant detected, B.1.1.529. The variant will then get a Greek name
2. B.1.1.529 has an exceptionally high nr of mutations - some could lead to the variant being able to escape immunity

1. The B.1.1.529 variant was discovered on 23 November
2. There will be an expected 200-300 cases in next few days, cases will increase fast

3. The reproduction #SARSCoV2 number (how many other people one infected person will infect) in SA is rising. When it's bigger than 1, it's concerning. Nationally, the nr is now 1.47 and in Gauteng it's 1.93.

4. These graphs show that B.1.1.529 is no longer spreading in cluster outbreaks only, it's become a sustained or wider spread/increase.

5. @Tuliodna: There has been a rapid increase in #COVID19 cases in Tshwane district (many of them B.1.1.529 cases). But the B.1.1.529 cases have started to spread to rest of GP, particularly to Jhb and Ekurhuleni.

* B.1.1.529 has more than 30 mutations in the spike protein of #SARSCoV2 (far more than both #Beta + #Delta)
* Some of the mutations we haven't seen before, but others have been linked to the ability of a variant to be more transmissible and escape immunity

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