Cleavon MD 💉 💉 💉 Profile picture
Emergency Medicine Doctor & Iraq War veteran on the frontlines of the pandemic interested in global health crises. #SoulsLostToCovid

Nov 26, 2021, 8 tweets

27 y.o. Fabian Granado is fighting for his life against COVID-19 at the University of Florida Hospital-JAX. A Texas native, he was attending the CDA Technical Institute Commercial Underwater Welder when he became ill. #TheySurvivedCovid…

Like a lot of young people, Rene Granado believes it was a perception of invincibility that kept his son Fabian from getting vaccinated.

Rene Granado, a single father of two and a thirty-four-year veteran of the Garland #Texas Police Department has been at his beside throughout his recovery

"Every once in a while he opens his eyes and he looks at me and I'd look at him. What am I suppose to tell him? Son I can't fix you. Daddy can't help you"

Rene Granado has documented and provided videos of his son's hospitalization and rehabilitation on Facebook. Every patient on ECMO requires a team of skilled healthcare providers for rehabilitation. See the linked video…

“If there’s one thing that Fabian can do, that his life can do to save people out there, to serve God’s will, listen to me and go get your vaccine,” said Granado.

He said Fabian’s story has convinced others in their family who weren’t vaccinated to get the vaccine.

Fabian continues to make progress and may need a lung transplant. This #Thanksgiving his father wrote:
God exists.
Miracles still happen.
Get vaccinated.
Go Fabian.
Praise God

Get well soon Fabian Granado…

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