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स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयंतां न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः । गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |

Nov 27, 2021, 24 tweets

Panchayatana Puja -Tradition of worshiping five stones thought to be Self-Manifested- #Thread

Panchayatana puja was the most popular form of worship in every household until a few decades ago.

"Adityam Ambikaam Vishnum Gananaatam Maheswaram" is a Panchayatana system that comprises of the worship of five deities.

Aditya - Surya.
Ambika - Devi.
Vishnu - Narayana.
Gananaatham - Ganesha.
Maheswara - Shiva.

These five are the great celestial forces that are worshipped as Pancha Devata Puja by every householder. According to the family's tradition, one of these deities is placed in the middle, with the other four placed surrounding it, and adoration is offered to all of them.

Adi Shankara organised and categorised the #SanatanaDharma into six main groups.

Shaiva - Shiva as the Presiding deity
Vaishnava - Vishnu as the Presiding deity
Shaktha - Devi as the Presiding deity
Ganapatya - Ganesha as the Presiding deity
Kaumara - Subramanya as the Presiding deity
Sowra - with Surya (planets) as the Presiding deity

People mistakenly believe that Sri Shankara founded the Panchayatana puja system, which is incorrect. One of the most essential responsibilities imposed by the Shastras is Deva Puja and Archana.

The Panchayatana puja is described in great detail in the Shastras, and Shankra just asks that we practice it religiously. Sectarian worship was particularly popular at the time of Adi Shankaracharya.

Each school maintained that their Ishta Devata and philosophy were superior to all others, and they were not tolerant of other schools. Ganesha, Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, n Devi were the primary schools that existed.

There was a lot of time spent arguing about who was the best among these schools. This type of fighting was ineffective since it contradicted Vedanta's ultimate Advaita teaching.

The panchayatana scheme represent the five elements:

Akashasyadhipo vishnuh agneshchaiva maheshvari |
vayoh suryah kshiterishah jivanasya ganadhipah ||

Akasha : Space : Vishnu
Vahni : Fire : AmbikA
Vayu : Air : Aditya
kShiti : Earth : Shiva
Jala : Water : Ganapati

All five deities are portrayed by little natural stones found in various places of India and are not Panchaloha or any other metal idols.

Deity : Ganesha
Bhuta(Tatwa) : Apu(Water)
Stone (Sila) : Red Sonabhadra
River : Sone
State where found in India : Bihar
Flowers and leaves used for worship : Lotus and Bandook flowers

Deity : Surya(Sun)
Bhuta(Tatwa) : Vayu (Air)
Stone (Sila) : Crystal
River : Vallam
State where found in India : Tamil Nadu (Tanjavur)
Flowers and leaves used for worship : Bandook flower and plantain tree.

Deity : Vishnu
Bhuta(Tatwa) : Akasha(Space)
Stone (Sila) : Saligrama
River : Gandaki
State where found in India : Nepal
Flowers and leaves used for worship : Tulsi (basil), Ashwatha, and Amalaki leaves. Marigold, Punnaga, and yellow flowers.

Deity: Shiva
Bhuta(Tatwa): Prithivi(Earth)
Stone: Sila
River : Narmada (Omkara-kunda)
State where found in India : MP
Flowers n leaves used for worship : Golden shower tree Flower ,Bel leaves & Amalaki leaves. Akund (Calotropis gigantea), Crown flower Nagalingam flower.

Deity : Ambika(Devi)
Bhuta(Tatwa) : Agni(Fire)
Stone (Sila) : Swarna Mukhi (Rekha Shila)
River : Swarnamukhi
State where found in India : Andhra Pradesh
Flowers and leaves used for worship : Red flowers - Hibiscus or China rose and Neem leaves.

The deity of that devata is placed in the Center, surrounded by the other deities.
Vishnu devotee-Vishnu's idol in the Centre
Shiva devotee- A lingam is placed in the Centre Suryanarayana devotee - A Sphatika in the Centre...

The following are the positions in Panchayatana poojas:

People who worship Subramanya will also include Him in the shape of a (silver) Snake or Vel (spear).

Thread on Old Panchayatana Temples.

Hindu temples are built in the Panchayatana layout: the main shrine is surrounded by four subsidiary shrines. The origin of the name are the Sanskrit words Pancha (five) et ayatana (containing).

Generally, Hindu temples are built along a west-east axis. So the four subsidiary shrines are at the north-east, south-east, south-west, north-west.

Panchayatana Puja is a procedure that needs inner n outer cleanliness, as well as physical n mental discipline. When done in a methodical manner, this will undoubtedly result in development in the material world as well as the ultimate truth - consciousness of the true Self.

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