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Manchester women's rights group. In sisterhood with @RadFemAlliance @ScotReSisters Ne barbatus in te sunt fratres excitant Email: womanchestermmn@gmail.com

Nov 29, 2021, 20 tweets

What follows are the many pictures taken yesterday on our vigil. The snow just added to how moving it was, the reading of their names as the snow settled on each heart... πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

#HeartsForMurderedWomen #StPetersSquare #IDEVAW #16days #16Daysofactivism #SayHerName #EnoughIsEnough

Thank you to all the women who crafted hearts for us over the last year @NeallM @JennyKenwright @rogue_red_rose @hear_woman @arpeggi1 @cait_hatstand @DianeDear1 to name a few!

And thanks to all who supported us, up to and including on the day. Especially @FemNorthern who braved the snow from that side of t'Pennines! Thanks sisters! πŸ’šπŸ’œβ™€οΈ

Special thanks to @K_IngalaSmith whose @CountDeadWomen inspired us, and without whom, these women's lives would be forgotten. Thanks too to @JeanHatchet for supporting us from the start πŸ’šπŸ’œβ™€οΈ

I @MiriamCYP also want to thank all my sisters @WomanchesterMMN who have worked all year on this project. It was an emotionally hard but rewarding one and I am so grateful to you all. Love the bones of all of you πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œ

Each heart will shortly be available online for a donation, they will be on our Facebook page. All funds will be split equally between our local @tweet_tdas and the @FemicideCensus - we will post a link, but our Facebook is facebook.com/womanchestermm…

Each heart is as individual and valuable as the life of the woman it represents & why we work so hard, to remember her, to #SayHerName. Thank you for all your support and look out for our online gallery πŸ’” #HeartsForMurderedWomen #IDEVAW #16days #16Daysofactivism #EnoughIsEnough

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