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Nov 30, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ Europe infant mortality trend. Let's have a look how NL compares with other peers.

Not so good.

Note that this is dominated by the 0-1 year group. But unfortunately, the population is only available by 0-5 years. So by averaging death_Y_LT5 / pop_LT5 we dilute a bit.

2/ Let's add some more countries. Romania and Bulgaria are on the way to leave NL behind.

I'm wondering what the plan is in NL @hugodejonge? Becoming the last soon?

3/ How does 2020 look like compared to peers?

4/ We can add the less rich countries.

5/ Lastly, let's see year 2000.

6/ NL doesn't seem to have the priorities right. Billions are spent in testing, hiring police and lockdown subventions instead of investing in healthcare. @RIVM_vDissel

7/ Infanit mortality is dominated by the 0-1 year old. But unfortunately, mortality is only available in one 0-4 year bin while the population is available by 1 year. So by averaging death_Y_LT5 / pop_LT5 we dilute a bit. The real mortality for the 0-1 years is thefore ~4-5x.

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