Nat Bullard Profile picture
Deep decarbonization and the business of climate. @Halcyon, and priors @BloombergNEF, @climate, @VoyagerVC.

Nov 30, 2021, 11 tweets

🧵1/ Some findings from @KPMG annual Global Automotive Exec Survey. Highlights on strategy, electric vehicles, commodities here. Start: 48% of execs say they're very/extremely prepared for the next crisis (or disruption - rather different those)…

🧵2/ Auto execs are quite concerned about commodity and component supply continuity…

🧵3/ By 2030 - execs think that most big markets will be ~50% EV sales...but Japan(!) same as China and US, and US ahead of W. Europe...and with massive quartile variation…

🧵4/ Can battery EVs be widespread without government intervention? Yes…

🧵5/ Should governments also provide direct consumer subsidies to battery electric vehicles? Also yes (if you know executives in *any* business, these two findings make total sense: we can do it without you, but you should help us anyways)…

🧵6/ How long are drivers going to wait for an EV charge? 30 minutes or less…

🧵7/ By 2030 more than 3/4 of auto sales will be completed online (cannot argue with this expectation)…

🧵8/ If auto execs could double their existing R&D budget, where's it gonna go?
1. New powertrain tech
2. Autonomy
3. Connected tech…

🧵9/ Are y'all auto exec gonna make tech acquisitions? Yes and Yes (and a third of total sees acquisitions as "a critical part of our strategy"…

🧵10/ Nonstrategic/noncore business divestment is coming…

Lots more in there. Take a look.… /end

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