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Dec 1, 2021, 8 tweets

WHO advice for international travel in relation to the new #COVID19 variant, Omicron

Countries should continue to apply an evidence-informed & risk-based approach when implementing travel measures in accordance with the International Health Regulations

Blanket travel bans will not prevent the international spread of #COVID19. They can instead adversely impact global health efforts during a pandemic by disincentivizing countries to report & share epidemiological and sequencing data

National authorities in countries of departure, transit & arrival may apply a multi-layered #COVID19 risk mitigation approach, incl. screening of passengers prior to travelling and/or upon arrival, to potentially delay the exportation or importation of the new variant Omicron.

All travellers should remain vigilant for signs & symptoms of #COVID19, get vaccinated when it is their turn & adhere to public health and social measures at all times

WHO advice from July 2021 still stands - if you are:

- Not fully vaccinated against #COVID19
- At risk of severe disease & dying, incl. 60+ years old and/or have comorbidities (e.g. heart disease, cancer, diabetes)

you should postpone travel to areas with community transmission

Essential international travel - incl. travel for emergency & humanitarian missions, travel of essential personnel, repatriations and cargo transport of essential supplies–should continue to be prioritized at all times during the #COVID19 pandemic

WHO commends #SouthAfrica & #Botswana for the speed and transparency with which they notified and shared information on the new #COVID19 variant Omicron, allowing other countries to rapidly adjust their response

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