Bigad Shaban Profile picture
Senior Investigative Reporter @NBCBayArea | Floridian-Egyptian🐫 now Cali guy | God is good | @UF Gator | Bego to my Kels | Peabody, duPont, 16-time Emmy Winner

Dec 3, 2021, 7 tweets

1) It’s time to talk about why so much of San Francisco is covered in broken glass.

Car break-ins hit SF at about 3X the rate of Dallas & LA.

19k+ car burglaries reported so far this year.

Some call it the “SF tax,” so why are so many of us paying the price?
🚗 🔨⛓

2) #WeInvestigate San Francisco’s most frequent crime by questioning the DA & top officials at the police dept.

We also ride along w/ undercover officers to understand why the city seems to be losing the battle against car burglaries.…


3) San Francisco Police Sgt. Matt Parra says DA’s Office is too lenient on criminals.

He heads a team of undercover cops tasked w/ tackling car-break-ins in SF’s hardest hit areas.He says 1 out of 2 people his team arrests is someone they’ve recently arrested for similar crimes.

4) San Francisco DA @chesaboudin recently held a press event to explain how he’s combating crime.

So we asked him directly about the criticism his office is facing from top police officials.

Mr. Boudin, however, just stood there silently. He never answered.


5) Sources at @SFPD as well as current & former prosecutors at SF District Attorney’s Office tell us even when thieves are caught & convicted for car break-ins, most — if not all —are given plea deals that allow them to spend only a few days or even just a couple of hrs in jail.

6) Regardless of who is to blame, one thing is certain — all the reasons / excuses from law enforcement don’t actually help the long-time San Franciscan who had their car burglarized for the umpteenth time, or the tourist who lost their luggage while off sightseeing.

7) Tourism rates are already ⬇️ b/c the pandemic, so additional crime concerns aren’t likely to help things.

There’s a LOT to unpack here, so check out our series of stories & digital extras.
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