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M.E, Israel & breaking news #OSINT #SDR #HFGCS #ADSB #IMINT | Timestamps : UTC | RT ≠ Endorsement

Dec 7, 2021, 11 tweets

Sirens in US consulate in #Erbil #KRI
[Per quoted]

Something's happening in Erbil

2 aircraft to #Erbil were diverted.
#KRI #Iraq 🇮🇶

Waiting for QR450 to reach OKBK FIR.

First diversion aurally confirmed.

"Divert to Kuwait"
#ORBI #Iraq 🇮🇶

#IAW234 diverted to #BGW #Iraq 🇮🇶

#ORBI advices IAW234 to land in #Baghdad for "security reasons" in response to IAW234 request for turning back and landing at #Erbil
#Iraq 🇮🇶

1834Z / ORBI
Audio 🔽🔊

#1849Z #OKBK #Kuwait 🇰🇼

DESC for OKBK as it got diverted from Erbil,

Audio 🔽🔊

Late and last update:
ORER [#Erbil] air traffic is normal at the moment.

As @AuroraIntel mentioned earlier, a suspected drone attack has triggered an early warning, no attack was identified whatsoever.

End of the thread /

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