Matthias Egger Profile picture
Epidemiology Prof @uniofbern, President of @snsf_ch, Visiting Prof @BristolUni, @UCT_news. My opinions, RTs and likes ≠ endorsements. ORCID 0000-0001-7462-5132.

Dec 8, 2021, 20 tweets

Why are we so worried about #Omicron? Brilliant talk by Emma Hodcroft @firefox66 at @MCIDBern symposium @unibern

@ProfVolkerThiel comparing mutations between Delta and #Omicron.

And here is why it is a variant of concern. @ProfVolkerThiel

What do we need to know? What is happening next? @ProfVolkerThiel

Yes, there appears to be some immune evasion, but some neutralizing activity left if you are boosted. Data from @sigallab presented by @ProfVolkerThiel at @MCIDBern symposium.

An important word on travel bans from @ProfVolkerThiel Cancelling of flights delayed progress...

Now @C_Althaus on how well does #Omnicron spread? @MCIDBern symposium.

Math modelling output - impact of immune evasion and increase in transmissibility. @C_Althaus @MCIDBern symposium.

Stressing uncertainty

Further evidence of immune evasion from South Africa @Tuliodna

Summary slide of @C_Althaus at @MCIDBern symposium.

Summary slide by @C_Althaus at @MCIDBern symposium. Thank you for a great talk.

Annelies Wilder Smith at @MCIDBern symposium:
When do travel restrictions make sense?

Now the economist: Joseph Francois from World Trade Institute @unibern

We have been here before...

Recovery despite Delta.
Despite #Omicron? Too early to tell.

Watch the @MCIDBern symposium on the #Omicron variant here

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