Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Dec 9, 2021, 5 tweets

The overwhelming evidence for 3rd shot boosters *before* Omicron, reinforced by new data for benefit vs Omicron
1. The randomized trial of 3 shots vs 2 shots + placebo, 95% efficacy for preventing symptomatic infections across all age 16+ groups (N=10,125)…

2. Reduction in death by 90% for age 50+, 3 shots vs 2, among >840,000 people… @NEJM

3. Marked reduction of hospitalizations and deaths in over 728,321 people with 3 shots vs matched 728,321 people with 2 shots, across all age groups…

4. Now vs Omicron, the variant with substantial immune escape, the 3rd shot induced a 25-fold increase in neutralizing antibody titer…
Clinical correlation with effectiveness data and duration of impact pending

PS I am getting very tired of people ("experts," CDC, journalists) negating the incontrovertible evidence for 3rd shots that existed prior to Omicron, which is one of the reasons why less than 1 in 4 US adults have had boosters

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