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Dec 9, 2021, 11 tweets

Hi! I’m Martha, the CEO and co-founder of Schema App. We do structured data 365 days a year and have seen some amazing results with structured data. I want to share some of those AHA’s with you, so you can stand out in search and measure the ROI! @marthavanberkel #SEOthread

Do you ever wish you could wave your magic wand and transform how your brand stands out in search? You can! When SEOs and content marketers work together, they can achieve rich results with Structured Data. @marthavanberkel #SEOthread

There are 32 different ways to take control of your brand with rich results (FAQ, HowTo, Videos, Rating). ID which ones you want and all you’ve got to do is have the right content and schema markup and BAM! #SEOthread @marthavanberkel

Results! In addition to getting your brand more visibility in the search result, you can measure clicks that come directly from your decorated results.
@marthavanberkel #SEOthread

So how do you get started? First you need to choose what rich results you want to achieve for your different types on your site. Look at Google’s Search Gallery ( to get inspired. @marthavanberkel #SEOthread

SEOs + content teams need to work together to add/evolve content to meet the requirements to get these results. This is when the magic happens!
@marthavanberkel #SEOthread

Here’s an example of how the Sharp Healthcare team worked collaborating to capture more real estate for their physicians, by having a Rating and FAQ content to answer future patients’ questions, directly in the SERP! @marthavanberkel #SEOthread

Another example would be SAP, who wanted to stand out for early awareness questions like “What is ERP”, and build FAQs into their content to support their structured data.
@marthavanberkel #SEOthread

How do you know it’s working? Check out your markup report in #Semrush or watch for SERP features in the keyword magic tool. Here is where you find coverage today and opportunities to get more rich results! @marthavanberkel #SEOthread

It’s easy to show the ROI of your structured data efforts. Google Search Console has a Search Results by Search Appearance report for rich results which shows you exactly how many clicks you’ve achieved from this new fancy rich result!
@marthavanberkel #SEOthread

Structured data is a journey with measurable results. At @schemaapptool, we see the best results when content teams and SEOs work together to iterate on content together towards a shared goal: brand visibility and clicks.
@marthavanberkel #SEOthread

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