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Dec 10, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Nobel laureate Ressa blasts social media giants for fuelling 'toxic sludge'

#UPDATE Accepting her Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, Philippine journalist Maria Ressa launched a vitriolic attack against American tech giants, accusing them of fuelling a flood of "toxic sludge" on social media

#BREAKING Nobel laureate Muratov calls for minute of silence for slain journalists

#UPDATE Receiving his Nobel Peace Prize, Dmitry Muratov, the editor-in-chief of Russian independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, has called for a minute of silence during the ceremony to honour journalists killed in the line of duty

#UPDATE Accepting her Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, Philippine journalist Maria Ressa launched a vitriolic attack against US tech giants, accusing them of fuelling a flood of "toxic sludge" on social media

#UPDATE In an interview with AFP before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Maria Ressa said her award was for "all journalists"

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