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Linguist, lawyer, writer, refugee, immigrant • Analyzing propaganda, media, Russia, Ukraine • @Euromaidanpress @StopFakingNews • Democracy•Inclusion•Innovation

Dec 11, 2021, 6 tweets

🔥Retired US Army colonel who circulated coup plot PowerPoint (proposing Trump declare a national security emergency & seize ballots) said he visited White House after election, spoke w/ Meadows 8-10x, & briefed several members of Congress on eve of #Jan6. washingtonpost.com/investigations…

The retired colonel election denier was Philip Waldron. He worked with Trump’s outside lawyers, including Giuliani, and on the “team” that “briefed” GOP members of Congress on the coup outlined in the PowerPoint. Waldron contributed to the “foreign interference” part of the plot.

Ret.Col.Waldron was brought in when the plotters turned to an election hacking plot. As the “cybersecurity consultant,” Waldron gave Meadows a list of IP addresses, servers & data to investigate “using the powers of the world’s greatest national security intelligence apparatus”😳

Waldron thinks Meadows passed his “data” list to John Ratcliffe, Trump’s wholly unqualified & shamelessly partisan DNI. Ratcliffe claimed he didn’t get it, tho Meadows says his job was passing info along “to the appropriate recipient.” Better subpoena Ratcliffe, @January6thCmte.

😬GOP Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC makes a surprise appearance in this Waldron report. Waldron briefed Graham in Meadows’ White House office on “significant foreign interference.” Seems like a whole lot of Republicans knew & stayed silent about the coup plot outlined in that PowerPoint.

Waldron also briefed GOP Senator @RonJohnsonWI & staff on fantasy foreign interference.

AND he briefed “several members of Congress in a congressional office.” He didn’t name them but said they were “shocked” by his (PowerPoint coup) presentation.

And of course right-wing media

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