Theo Jordan Profile picture
Some people seek the truth; others find comfort within the lies. dude/dad "Theo comes in hot, but he's good people." -@jstevewhite

Dec 11, 2021, 9 tweets

My god. The narratives are directly competing now. If our populace wasn't so programmed and investigative journalism paralyzed, this would have collapsed.

Watch how easily I can construct this, using only their own announcements.

Backdrop is the curated hysteria of Omicron...🧵

First, fear is immediately pumped worldwide before any supporting data. In fact, Omicron data we do have shows mild infection - but that's for a different thread.

The customer base is riled with fear! Being that vaxxed are getting Omicron, this is presented as welcome news...

It presents some confusion though. Theres a lot of talk Omicron has escaped the vaccines. That rush to 100 days is important!

But oddly, our CDC and President are opening boosters to more and urging all to go get them immediately.

Hmm. Strange. Thats serum from Alpha variant.🤔

But, thankfully, we get some good news...

Which also helps resolve some of that tension between those two above, right? 💡

Of course, what is it I care about? Am I on a "Destroy The Vax" campaign? No, as I've said 100x. I'm on a "Destroy The Mandate" campaign.

So once that above gets announced, it shouqld be very obvious to everyone the mandates will all follow suit.

Fauci said this pre-Omicron. 👇

But wait, there's more! 🚨

What's that Mr. Bourla and "Pfizer officials"? We might need a fourth shot/booster #2 and need to get it on a fast-track?!? 😱

Go type three words into Google right now and look at the amount of media results: Bourla fourth sooner

The Machine. 💡

And it's no surprise that Pfizer is already pushing Booster #2/Shot #4.

That's because, contrary to his remark above (just two days ago) that Shot #3 "neutralizes Omicron", real-world results are once again not propping up the desired narrative...…

So that returns us back to square one, doesnt it? Better hurry that 100 days up!

But if Vax 2.0 is still coming down the assembly line, why would I rush out for failed-Shot #3 and then Shot #4 of the same stuff all before you push out the new cocktail?

Thats a good question. 🚨

Look, you are welcome to inject yourself over and over for SARS-CoV-2 for the rest of your living days. But mandates based on this nonsense are not just wrong, they are fucking insane!

They always have been. But it's time for everyone to admit it.


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