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European Media & Editorial Director, @hrw. My newsletter: All my links:

Dec 13, 2021, 9 tweets

From the start, the EU has been blocking wider vaccine production globally by obstructing the #TRIPSwaiver, a proposal to temporarily waive some intellectual property rules on vaccines & other health products.

The EU's policy goes against expert advice & prolongs the pandemic.

"Scientists know that this cycle will prolong the pandemic — but world leaders are still failing to choose the fastest path out."

We need the #TRIPSwaiver for a #PeoplesVaccine.

Editorial in the science journal @nature:…

Only 46% of the world is fully vaccinated.

In many countries, it's less than 10%.

BILLIONS of people have not even had one dose yet.

🔑 The key reason is the vaccine shortage caused by the EU, UK & others blocking wider vaccine production globally.…

EU leaders say they will keep blocking wider vaccine production globally as long as they can.

Over 5 million dead.

BILLIONS unable to get even one jab.

Yet enforcing a vaccine shortage during a global pandemic remains the policy.

Deadly madness.…

Humanity: Hey, we’re dying here.

EU: Yes, it’s a global pandemic, but there's a vaccine for it.

Humanity: Great! So, you’re making sure everyone gets the vaccine globally, right?

EU: No, we’re supporting pharma monopolies so they get maximum profit from it.

EU: And here's the best part - we're going to tell the world that prolonging the pandemic by restricting the production of vaccines & other meds is human-rightsy & good for humanity...

Did you discuss how EU policy is prolonging the pandemic by DELIBERATELY BLOCKING wider vaccine production globally, meaning:

☠️ more death;

☠️ more suffering; and

☠️ more chances for new variants to emerge?


After wave...

After wave…

After wave…

Millions already dead…

Millions more to come…

🤔 Maybe what EU leaders are doing isn't working?

🤔 Maybe we should start fighting the global pandemic like a global pandemic?


🤔 Maybe deliberately limiting vaccine production capacity - as the EU is doing - is a bad idea?

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